Sunday, 14 December 2014

Make Me Strong Enough

 This is a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. "Never, never be afraid to do what`s right, especially if the well-being of a person is at stake. Society`s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way. There comes a time when silence is betrayal."
 I wonder to myself what am I doing here? As I line up to start a race which is the 10.8 km Egg Nog Jog. The race course is very hard, 7 km are ran up two separate hills.

I know I am not quite ready as I have spent the last month dealing with soreness, sickness, and discouragement. This race today in some ways mirrors the race that God has set before me, that is the race to restore dignity to young children in Cambodia rescued from a life of sexual slavery.
I know I will never be ready for this.

My family is ill so today I ran alone, although Gloria took this picture at home and saw me off.

Isabella Street is the first street I run onto as part of the course.
My new winter outfit came about after Katarina`s comment "that I looked like a homeless person" during a winter race two years ago.
I feel my family is with me today as I run.
I finished in a surprisingly good time, my second best ever. Better yet I am healthy and after a brief rest I will start ramping up training for my spring Marathon.

Hello My Name Is Matthew West

Hello my name is regret
I`m pretty sure we have met
Every single day of your life
I`m the whisper inside
That won`t let you forget

Hello my name is defeat
I know you recognize me
Just when you think you can win
I`ll drag you right back down again
Till you`ve lost all belief

Once when sparring with my instructor in kick boxing I kicked him right on his liver. Instantly this seemingly invincible man dropped to all fours and stayed on the mat for a few minutes. He later told me "being kicked on your liver releases a poison throughout your body that initially paralyzes you, the effects last up to an hour."
My last race finished up on a boardwalk overlooking Lake Ontario in Hamilton. In the Summer seeing waves slamming into the shore is refreshing, near the end of a half marathon race, when shivering from the cold, sore from exertion these same waves are demoralizing.

For one month straight I seemed to be on the receiving end of many body blows. Like the waves when the pain would clear a new negative thought would appear. 
During this time I remembered an email I received from a friend and part of an earlier writing.

This email was from a man who does more in one day than I have done in my whole life. A huge victory was coming for victimized people thanks in no small part to him. I was surprised and encouraged that someone who does so much could still have weak moments. These are his words.
"I feel so inadequate for this task, I am not a lawyer, social worker, or psychologist. I am the wrong gender.
The whole time satan is whispering in my ear "you are just so pathetic."
I am the wrong person for this.
I feel like an imposter.
YET... God seems to open these doors, people seem to listen and in some strange way I hope his strength is exhibited in my weakness."

Intercessory prayer: a prayer or petition to God on behalf of another.
I remember a story I read of a young nurse in Cambodia who had a young girl who had been savagely attacked by many men brought to her. The nurse saw the young girl`s physical, emotional, and spiritual pain and asked God to take it away even if it mean`t passing it onto her. The young nurse ended up with a headache that lasted for days that temporarily blinded her.

During my month I remembered a portion of one of my writings. 
In the Bible it says we are to walk through the fire, we don`t run, we don`t fly. Walking takes a long time, and is a slow process.
This is my old writing I hope what I wrote about six years ago took place in the Month of November.

27 km mark the steepest part of the run starts here and goes for 2 km. Whoever designed the course could not have possibly known the way the wind was to blow on this day.
On top of running up the steepest part of the course, a 50 km/h wind was against me as I ran up this hill.
This was the toughest part of the run.
This was the toughest physical challenge I had ever faced.
Many people stopped running at this point, but I kept on. At the top of the hill a strange thing happened.
A woman I had not seen said "thank you, you were the only thing that kept me going." She sped up and I never saw her again.
What she had done is run directly behind me the whole way up the hill. Since I was taller and broader than her I took all the force of the wind.
She only had to concentrate on navigating the hill.
Girls in Cambodia have been rescued from a life of forced prostitution, but they are starting the rest of their lives at the bottom of a steep hill.
When I intercede for them I am telling God I am willing to go to the bottom of the hill to lead them up.
Their struggles are not 2 km as mine was, but they will have to climb the hill every day for the rest of their lives.
They don`t face wind, but they face shame, guilt, and discouragement.
When I pray for these girls I believe God may take something satan wanted to add to these girls loads and place on mine.

Maybe the next time I get an unexpected car repair a traumatic memory is kept from one of these girls.
Maybe when I do somebody`s else`s job at work without anybody seeming to notice, or thank me.
Maybe one of these girls was spared some physical harm.
Maybe on one of those days when everything goes wrong from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed.
Instead of feeling sorry for myself, and asking God why?
Maybe I should thank God, because that day was the day when satan saw one of these girls were especially vulnerable. satan wanted to overwhelm one of these girls causing her to take her life.
But God knew this girl was weak that day and allowed me to carry her load.
Maybe, just maybe one day when I am walking in Heaven I will feel the tug of a little arm pulling at me.
I will look into the most beautiful eyes of a child I don`t know, but she seems to know me.
She will go on to say "thank you for keeping me going." 

Men are the problem and the reason for sexual abuse on this earth, yet sometimes God uses men to be part of the solution.

I changed a few words from an old Sheryl Crow song that fits in with me and other men who have been called to this area of Ministry. Jesus was the only men on earth able to walk freely and purely enough to represent victimized women.  
I do not walk alone and I am grateful for Brian, Peter, Steve, Colin, Paul, Neil, Danesh and many others I do not know.
God please make us all strong enough.

Strong Enough

God I feel like Hell tonight
Tears of rage I cannot fight
I`d be the last to help them understand
God make me strong enough to be your man

Nothing`s true and nothing`s right
So let me be alone tonight
Help me change the way I am
God make me strong enough to be your man

I have a face I cannot show
The rules I learn as I go
Just try to love me if you can
God make me strong enough to be your man

When I`ve shown you that I just don`t care
When I`m throwing punches in the air
When I`m broken down and I can`t stand
God make me strong enough to be your man

I hope the next time I go through such a tough season as I did in November I picture the face of a child whose pain may be leaving her if only for a short time.
I hope I ask God to leave "the thorn in my flesh" instead of taking it away.
I hope my eyes are opened to heavenly realities, and shut to earthly ones.
I hope I endure and continue to run the race set before me, realizing there is a reward waiting not of this earth.
I hope others may be encouraged and realize God calls all of us (especially the weak.)
I hope I stay naïve enough to believe "that one man can make a difference" in this battle against the giant of child exploitation. 


Sunday, 2 November 2014

A Half Marathon Judging And Chandeliers

I have just finished my November Half Marathon race. It is an unique run set in Hamilton, it is named Road2Hope. The money raised benefits children in Haiti and children in Hamilton, kind of cool.
A half marathon is 21.1 km or 13.1 miles. (Spoiler alert) I have another half marathon in March 13.1 miles, and a full marathon in May 26.2 miles. The distances added up equal 52.4 miles.
The fourth Ratanak walkathon will take place Saturday June 13 2015 at Erindale Park Mississauga. The last number of the goal will again end in 52.

A wise runner wrote an article about "not worrying when life gets in the way of your training." Two weeks ago I was supposed to have a crazy week of training to make sure I was ready for today. Two weeks ago Rosie one of our three cats was sick, now she has recovered. I had a lot of minor nuisances and one major that prevented me from training at the worst possible time. Suffice to say "life got in the way" and I was a little apprehensive about how I would run.

At the starting line the mc said runners should enjoy the last 3km as there is a tailwind. Being a suspicious minded person I thought to myself what about the first 18 km? The first 18 km had a very strong headwind which made me chuckle to myself at one point as I have just came to accept the date, the time, the location do not seem to matter. If I have a long race scheduled the wind has always been against me.
I did not set a time goal for this race. The 1 hour 40 minute pacer was ahead of me for most of the race, under normal circumstances this could be an achievable goal for me. Early on I let my thoughts of a time go and enjoyed the fact I can run 21.1 km, as many people in this world have health or other issues that would prevent them from doing so.
For those who care or ask by keeping a very steady pace I did indeed overtake the 1 hour 40 minute pacer.
I finished in 1 hour 39 minutes 37 seconds more than 5 minutes under a Boston Marathon qualifying time.
At a recent Toronto Core Group meeting the story of "The Good Samaritan" was read. It is the story Jesus tells of a man being beaten and left for dead. A Priest and Levite walk past the man, a Samaritan helps him and ensures his recovery. At the end Jesus asks the question "who was the good neighbour?"

At a recent Social gathering my family attended a woman was talking of her involvement with the helping of trafficked girls in Canada (I was not present so I am unsure of whether they were Canadian or young girls brought from another Country.)

My wife Gloria mentioned my involvement with Ratanak International and the woman said something along the lines "He should spend his time helping people inside of Canada."
Wow, is this a case of us versus them? I have not heard much criticism so I guess I have been fortunate, as well as naïve, as I am sure it is out there.

I am aware of many young girls in Canada being forced into prostitution. I am aware of many young woman being tricked into coming to Canada only to be forced into prostitution and illegal massage parlours.
One day in a lighter moment, away from "my focus on the breathing" my masseuse told me her story. She came from an Asian Country to be a nanny for a family she had never met and did not know. She went on to get her diploma as a registered massage therapist with money she had saved on her own time.
As I looked into the eyes of this young woman whose hands bring me to pain, but allow me to run pain free. I realized with a simple twist of fate she could have very easily had a much different life, a life many children I run for have experienced.

A man I know last year talked at length at how "Kim and Kanye`s wedding" cost so much money and how the money could have helped so many poor people.
Last year I asked 14 people I had never asked before if they would consider making a donation to Ratanak via the walkathon. This man was one of the eleven who declined. He took it a bit further, he told me "most charitable organizations take 50 percent administration costs" He went on to say he would give lots of money if he knew it went to the children, he went on to say he would like to get on a plane, take a trip and deliver a large sum of money personally.

Matthew 12 36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken.        37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.

Someone I know once gripped a pop can in his hand and said "the world talks so much about precious resources "children are the world`s most precious resource, and a lot of the world does not care."
To the lady at the party. My first exposure to the ugly world of trafficking, forced prostitution, etc came when I heard about children in Cambodia. If it was a different Country I think I still would have became involved. For me holding a child against their will to be repeatedly abused is the highest form of "bullying."

Whether I choose to help Canadian, Indian, or Cambodian children should not matter. My neighbour from the earlier Jesus story I mentioned came to me in the form of a young Cambodian child.
At  the end of the day I celebrate the fact that you are involved in helping women. I also have tried my best to help children. Sorry if you are offended because they are not Canadian, but I think you have the problem.

One positive of driving a different car the last two weeks was that I was not able to listen to my Christian music. On regular radio I heard a song I thought was sung by Rihanna. In fact it is sung by Sia.
The song is Chandelier, and explains a period of Sia`s life when her pain overwhelmed her, and she went on a six year binge of trying to drown out the pain.
In a way I can never understand: this song spoke to me about running marathon`s and how I believe one day young women in
Cambodia will experience new life through healing.
As always with songs I change a few of the original words and a new meaning takes place.


Little girls you were hurt
Can`t feel anything, when will this end?
You push it down, push it down

A bleak picture a child with no hope freed from their abusive situation, but not free from their pain and anguish of their past.

1,2,3,1,2,3 run
1,2,3,1,2,3 run
1,2,3,1,2,3 run
I pound them back
Till I lose track

The times in training when I just run each day because I have to. I lose track of how far, how often, and how fast I run. I have a goal of a full marathon many months away but I know I must run to be ready, and being ready means running many times when I would rather be doing something else.

Your gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Your gonna live like your past doesn`t exist
Your gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel your tears as they dry
Your gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier

This is a picture of "my girls parasailing in Punta Cana" they told me it was an incredible feeling of freedom and liberation, my youngest shouted out something along the lines of "now I am all
grown up."

I watched and sacrificed so they could enjoy their moment.
One day young Cambodian women who had terrible beginnings to their lives will experience a sense of exhilaration that only comes with freedom from your past that will be infinitely more powerful than flying.
Running a full marathon is for me the means of sacrifice I try to help this happen.

But I`m holding on for dear life, I won`t look ahead won`t open my eyes
Keep my legs strong until the finish line, cause I`m just holding on for the line
Help me, I`m holding on for dear life, won`t look ahead, won`t open my eyes
Keep my legs strong until the finish line, cause I`m just holding on for the line
Cause I holding on for the line, just holding on for the line

Lanni Marchant is Canada`s fastest woman marathoner ever. At a recent race after both calves started cramping she said "the last 4 kms weren`t very pretty, I was in survival mode."

I looked up my thoughts after each marathon I have run and a common theme emerged.

On the run
Mississauga Marathon 2010
"28 km mark My legs start cramping, not just my calves, but my hamstrings and even my front right quadriceps muscle.
Someone with chalk had written Surrender at the 30 km mark. Angrily I shake my head NO!
The only surrender here today will be the enemies grasp on these girls once and for all.
I will not surrender today!
I must finish this race!
The next 12 km are pure torture.

Boston Marathon 2011
"At Boston the pain came the earliest. At the 9 km mark both of my legs started hurting, my right foot felt like I had broken something. I remember thinking to myself great I have 33 km to go and every step of the way hurts.
But sometimes God uses our pain for His purpose.
At the 5km mark a woman help up a sign that read Remember the reason why you are running. For the last 33 km every step reminded me of the girls and their pain that doesn`t last 33 km or 3 hours, but may last a lifetime."

Toronto Marathon 2012
"At the 30 km mark, a feeling like an electric current started tingling in my right quadriceps. The current spread to my calf, and I felt the first spasm start.
As I ran through a park, the promised water station was not there, a sign of things to come.
At the 36 km mark, the water station had plenty of water and Gatorade but no cups. This was my low point.
My left quadriceps started to spasm. I had to stop running to stretch out both legs. After walking a bit, I sent out a quick prayer. I ask that I may finish this race running, not walking.
The first few steps were torture, the rest of the race was a blur."

Cleveland Marathon 2013
"28 km mark the day seems to get even hotter (in fact it was Cleveland`s hottest day) I see many runners stopping to walk, in past races I have tried to encourage such runners to keep going, today I lack the strength to even speak, one runner lies down by the side of the road.
34 km mark I finish my last drink from my water bottle and walk 30 seconds to try to catch my breath. This is really too hot of a day to run a marathon on. I am sure if this was my first I would not be able to finish.
40 km I hear the roar of the crowd and realize I am almost finished.
A runner is being taken away by ambulance and my heart goes out to him coming so far and not being able to finish. I keep running, cross the finish line and see my time is a little off what I had hoped for, yet I am satisfied."

Ottawa Marathon 2014
"29 km Running up my usual side of the road, the left. I trip on a piece of wire. Jumping up quickly I look at my bloody elbow, and scraped hands and think of the one whose hands were pierced for me.
I resume running and think to myself this is going to be an interesting finish.
32 km I am so discouraged at this moment. My stride has changed.
I have the usual pain associated with running a marathon and now the fall has added pain to new areas.
I would love to just stop running and go lie down somewhere.
34 km every step is becoming a little harder. I am overwhelmed by how far I have to go, and how little I have left.
36 km My whole right side is starting to really hurt as a result of me changing my stride to accommodate the fall.
42.2 km I run over the finish line and am so relieved I was able to finish this race."

Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for the positive feedback. Thank you for donating to Ratanak International. Thank you for your prayer and support.



Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Thankful And Weary

Today was the Holiday Thanksgiving in Canada. I put away the lawn furniture, had my second family dinner of the weekend, and spent a stressful few hours at a Vet with our nervous cat Rosie, who we hope will be healthy.

This weekend I ate too much of the wrong foods, slept too much, yet laughed and enjoyed stepping off the treadmill that has become my life.
Nine years ago today I went to Church with my beautiful family, content with my life, content with my world. Nine years ago my life was changed for I found out about young children in Cambodia being sold as sex slaves and how Ratanak International was helping these children and were looking for others who were willing to help.
My life has and will never be the same!

I am a volunteer for Ratanak International who seven years ago discovered a new "talent" I never knew I had. The talent is the ability to run a long distance without stopping. I am a volunteer who has become a marathon runner to raise funding and awareness. I have ran six full marathons, and am training for a seventh in the spring.
I have found that by running a few smaller races spread out before the full marathon is a good way to break up your training and also a good way to make sure you are ready on the big day.
I have always thought the time to quit running marathons will arrive when I pull up lame in a race. Possibly I will have an injury and may have to limp to the finish line with an incredibly slow time, yet also an incredible moving story. This would be as if God is saying enough, time for me to move on.
Two weeks ago I realized the mental part of preparing for a marathon may stop me long before the physical, my mind may give up long before my body has the chance.

The definition of weary: physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain etc.
Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
 and I will give you rest."

Exodus 18:18
"You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves
 out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone."

"together we are called to be modern day Moses who God is sending forth to seek justice on behalf of the oppressed into places like Cambodia, a hot bed for sex tourism and sex trafficking.
This battle is not for the fainthearted, it can wear you down, it will disturb your spirit when you hear and read of man`s inhumanity to a child, it will require more than you and I can ever give but none the less, it is worth it- it is a fight for life, it is a fight for dignity, it is a fight for freedom, it is a fight for hope, and it is a fight for love."
This quote is from Lisa Cheong Country Director for Ratanak International after scaring away a French man wanting to purchase a young girl for sex.
It is a fight I dare not lose!

Two weeks ago I was weary. Definitely more mental and spiritual than physical. I am in serious training for a half marathon in November.
On "easy" days I was training on an elliptical machine to give my legs a break from the pounding of running. I was going home from the gym exhausted on these days, for these days I was stuck with a television in front of me turned to an American news station showing me the news, all the news, especially the bleak, disturbing pictures, the experts and their commentary, replay after replay.

I thought back to a few years ago. I missed running in the Boston Marathon by 10 seconds, I picked The Cleveland Marathon instead. That is the year the bombs went off in Boston. On the same piece of fitness equipment at my gym I saw the bomb replays hundreds of times. Three weeks later I saw the story of the man in Cleveland who kept the three girls captive for ten years. I saw the story, heard all the details.
One day while running I wonder why does this station cover news like this? Is this what people want?
Not to trivialize the loss of many at the Boston bombing but why did this same news station not run some of the inspirational stories, such as some who actually overcame great loss and ran last year`s marathon.
Why has the same news station not told of the recovery of the three girls in Cleveland? Why not mention the trust fund set up by generous donors around the world to help the girls with their recovery? Why has the news station not mentioned how this house of evil was levelled and destroyed right down to the ground, nothing left.
Why will this news station not mention a future story, a story where a rich donor buys this land and builds a center to help teen age girls recover from their trauma. It will be named after the three girls kept captive.

"Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay it`s price."
Sun Izu
Victory for me is finishing a marathon healthy enough to resume work within three days. I have four different types of runs that have allowed me to accomplish this. Most weeks I run one of each.

Long run
A run down my ravine now the time is around 1 hour 40 minutes, later on in training over three hours, possibly four.

Moderate run
A run down my ravine now the time is around 1 hour later on in training about 2 hours.

Moderate run with hills
A run again down my ravine but with hills. The time is now around 1 hour with 5 hills, later on in training around 2 hours with sometimes 15 hills.

Treadmill run
Least favourite by far. Not even close. Can you hate an object? I think I do.
I have ran 55 minutes so far, later on in training possibly 1 hour 20 minutes.

I never regret an outdoor run. I never look forward to a treadmill run. I sometimes have to run less than I want to outside. I always have to force myself to run on treadmill days.
Each run serves a purpose and without the difficulty of training on the treadmill I do not think I could have finished my last two marathons ran in extreme heat.

On my longest run of the year I was thinking of how long I am going to run as this is a day I work after my run. As I run down Burnhamthorpe road out of the corner of my eye I see a woman running at me frantically waving a piece of paper. I stop to see what she needs.
She is lost, she tells me she wants to go to High Park, her husband nods sheepishly at me from their car.
I am busy but as someone who gets lost a lot I feel sympathy for this woman and try to get her to her picnic. A car horn sounds (15 seconds straight) I look at her husband`s car (he is blocking nothing) so I resume. Another 15 second blast. A woman from the honking car gets out of the passenger side (looks at the lost lady with the most disgust in a look I have seen in my life) and says "this is a parking lot for people who go to church."

I tell her this lady is lost and I am helping her. Church ladies husband gets out of the car and delivers the same look as his wife.
Later on thinking of this couple I was so grateful for not having them as neighbours as I pictured them looking at every house on their street where a by law infraction may have occurred and calling the by law officer every day.
I sent the lost couple on their way and resumed my run.

I thought of this lost couple seeking help at a church and being rejected. I thought of Jesus speaking to religious leaders
Mathew 23 27
"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like white washed tombs, which are beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men`s bones and everything unclean."

I jokingly thought of paying a visit to this church, yes today your guest speaker will be sweaty running guy to tell you his take on what happened on your church grounds, just before the service started. I was running along chuckling to myself at walking into a church of everyone with the same expressions as this couple when my thoughts changed.
As with an earlier story I wrote about witnessing a young girl in traffic, one minute earlier, one minute later I am not a witness to this story.
As I run I think of Heaven I think of faces that know me and my family. Young Cambodian girls know us, this was shown to me in a very tough moment of an earlier marathon.

As I think of Heaven some people seem to be missing, names and faces are absent.
I realize some people may miss out on Heaven because of the poor representation some are of us are of Christ. I than wonder have I or will I turn someone away from Heaven? Imagine if my actions could possibly keep someone from entering Heaven. Very sobering.
Live each day as if it is your last, never shy away from truth, never compromise your integrity, never judge, never hate, and always love.



Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Path That Leads To Seven

September is here, the Summer is over and my children are back in school. My youngest daughter likes a singer from the boy band Five Seconds Of Summer. This summer had only 5 days when the temperature reached over 30 degrees celsius. Ironically enough one of these days was Sunday May 25 the day I ran The Ottawa Marathon.

The suicide of Robin Williams caught me and a lot of other`s by surprise. To think of the mindset of anyone who is so alone, so desperate that they think the world would be a better place without them is so sad. About this time I was listening to a Christian radio program that dealt with addictions. Two ladies called in both pouring out their heart`s about situations involving their spouses. The guest specialist gave advice, talked about his experiences, and some of his successes with other`s who had similar problems. The host of the radio station just listened, saying very little, offering to pray for the ladies. The specialist was not acting out of malice, but he was not as helpful as the host, in fact one of the ladies hung up on him. 
Bruxy Cavy pastor of The Meeting House asked once "when did we as Christians decide we had to be the people with all the answers?"

In the Bible the story of Job is about a man who suffered.
Job 2:11 When Job`s three friends, heard about all the troubles that had come upon him, they set out from their homes to sympathize with him and comfort him. 12 When they saw him from a distance, they began to weep aloud, and tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads. 13 Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.

Unfortunately the friends did not stay quiet long as the next 28 chapters are a debate in which the three friends tell Job he must have sinned to deserve such bad things happening to him, and Job has to defend himself.
God lets the three friends know what he thinks of their actions.
Job 42:7 "I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has."

An African proverb says it is better to have a friend like an Elephant than a Hippopotamus. Elephant`s have big ears and a small mouth, while Hippopotamus`s have small ears and a big mouth.

Sometimes listening can involve more than our ears. My family attended a soccer game this past summer. We had the aisle seats which allowed us to get in and out of our row fast, but we also had our view of the game interrupted every time someone wanted by. One lady went out many times and I was bothered by her as she was large and would be right on top of us. Into my head came the thought "she may be large because she is eating to try to forget a traumatic childhood, she takes comfort in her food."
Much like Job`s friends I was humbled.

I don`t make new year`s resolutions, however since that week I have tried and will continue to try to listen with my ears, and with my senses.
For the world needs more listeners and less experts.
The world needs more listeners and less talkers.
The world needs more compassion and less judgement.

While drinking a coffee and "recovering" in a Chapters in Ottawa last May; not from the marathon, but an afternoon of shopping with "my girls." We heard a song And The Beat Goes On.  It was originally written by Sonny and Cher this version was by Emilie Claire Barlow. The version on youtube is 5 minutes long, in Ottawa the version we heard was over 15 minutes long in which we heard the words and the beat goes on at least 100 hundred times.

This to me sums up the events that will come about from the June 7 5km Walkathon for Ratanak International that took place at Erindale Park.
In the movie Thor, I remember a scene in which Thor struck the ground with his hammer and caused an almost earthquake like effect over many miles. I feel the same as the walkathon but The Holy Spirit and not Thor was moving the ground far away from the actual event.

The obvious 300 people attended, over $42 000 raised, someone even gave me a check a week ago, someone I had not asked for money. Great number for a marathon runner in which 42.2 km is the distance.
In the next two months I believe there will be one and possibly two articles in major Canadian Running Magazines partly mentioning the walkathon, as well I have another interview for a work related magazine.
The walkathon was mentioned in the house of Commons.
An elite Canadian marathon runner is following this blog. (elite in that she is Canada`s fastest ever, she came fourth in the Commonwealth Games, yes elite enough to even impress my daughter Isabella.)
A group of runners in England has been in contact and are looking to try and have their own walkathon.
What I look most forward to are the stories we will hear about years later of people who first heard of  Ratanak and it`s work leading up to the walkathon or being part of it.
I was sent three examples of people who attended this year`s walkathon who had first heard about Ratanak through Kelita Haverland a woman who had a series of concerts to raise funding and awareness for a Ratanak program to benefit exploited children in Cambodia.

I have picked a Spring marathon for 2015. It is in an American city my family has never visited. It is a popular event organized by a not for profit organization. The date is earlier than my last three events hopefully I can avoid the heat.
This is an elevation picture of the course, flat courses do not show elevation pictures.

                     This means the course has many hills.


This means that these two hills will be a regular part of training leading up to next spring.
This will be my seventh marathon, the title of the blog means the path I will take and write about leading to number seven.

For King & Country has a song Fix My Eyes that talks about what a man would do differently when looking back on his life. I liken this to my involvement as an volunteer for Ratanak International. I am not perfect and make many mistakes, however in the pursuit of true freedom for the children in Cambodia I would change very little from my life these last six years. Many things have to fall into place to allow me to train and successfully complete my seventh marathon but as long as I fix my eyes on Him things will be okay.

Fix My Eyes

I`d love like I`m not scared
Give when it`s not fair
Live life for another
Take time for a brother
Fight for the weak ones
Speak out for freedom
Find faith in the battle
Stand tall but above it all
Fix my eyes on you



Sunday, 3 August 2014

One Plus One Plus One Equals Five

September seems to have come early for me as I thought I was going to take the Summer off writing and even said as much in my last blog post.
Some thoughts have came to mind that will shape the rest of this blog.
The title to me means things are not always as they appear.
I base my life on logic and rational thought. I look for patterns and use routines to get me through my every day life. I realize this is practical to a point but I have come to realize that I have to look beyond and try to see past what my "logical eyes" see.

The Ottawa Marathon was ten weeks ago and my body has almost recovered. That is one of the reasons why I do not like running a marathon. Running has became my respite from the craziness of this world. A full marathon puts a great deal of stress on your body and I fear losing the gift of running.
Here are some of the lyrics from three songs that I heard during this Summer and my thoughts of them refined while running down my ravine.

How To Save A Life   The Fray

Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

I read this is a song about suicide. Reading comments on the webpage I realize my ignorance about our youth and their struggles. Thank you Clara Hughes for your bike ride across Canada bringing awareness to the issue of depression in Canada`s youth.

My first thought when I heard this song. I pictured a child in Cambodia in a brothel. I saw a large group of people such as the recent Ratanak 5km walkathon. I saw all the hard work, the funding, the awareness of all involved allowing the child to cross over from the brothel to a place of safety. 

My next thought was whose life is actually saved?
Matthew 10:42 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to 
                one of these little ones, I tell you the truth, he will
                certainly not lose his reward.
Matthew 25 31-46 40 The King will reply, I tell you the truth,
               whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine
               you did for me.

I am not a theologian but an strong argument can be made for final judgement and "what we do for the least of these" as having a big say on where we spend our eternal destination.

This week while watching a Police press release a name appeared that I know. Someone I had played Hockey and Baseball with is being charged with serious crimes, some involving vulnerable

I have not had any contact with this man for many years but I wondered how do people end up so far away from where they belong?
I thought by spending time where God intends us possibly we are prevented from leaving the trail and ending up far away from where we are intended to be.

Brian McConaghy (Director of Ratanak International) once told me that some men give gifts of money and food to poor parent`s in Cambodia. Brian went on to say how a trap is being set in which the children of these parents are going to have closed on them.
The men who set these traps and abuse these children are stepping into their own traps, of which they will not escape. If they are fortunate the trap may spring on Earth giving them time to repent. If not the hands that close their traps will not let them escape.

God is indeed no man`s debtor. My eight years of volunteer work for Ratanak International including running six marathons may have helped save a child`s life, but I believe this time has saved my life!


But hearts are stronger after broken
So wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes.

First thought on these words was that I saw a speaker at a conference explaining the lives some of Cambodia`s children live. I saw a picture of a child appear on a screen I saw the speaker calling the people at the conference to action. I was the speaker.
A project at my former place of employment went wrong. Somehow somebody had measured the building space wrong and a machine could not fit where it was supposed to. The manager said to "be careful when you point a finger, four point back at you."
The next lines from the song I omitted.

All these victims
Stand in line for
The crumbs that fall from the table
Just enough to get by
All the while your invitation
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes
Wake on up from your slumber
Baby, open up your eyes

I saw a long line of children in Cambodia as the ones receiving my giving and realize I am giving crumbs. I must give more. I have started a process to give more.


Matthew 6:28-29 And why do you worry about clothes? See how
                             the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or
                             spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all
                             his glory was dressed like one of these.

One day while running I came across this type of snake. This is a picture from the internet; as I would not go close enough to take a picture as I thought someone had lost an exotic dangerous snake. I read later this type is called an Eastern milk snake and is found in Mississauga, thankfully they are not common. With smaller snakes, like garter, and sand I stamp my feet and they slither off. Two stamps of my feet did not move this snake and I wisely decided to change my course for the rest of this run. I thought of seven years of running at least 600 times down this ravine and this being my first encounter with this type of snake. I thought of Pastor`s encouraging members to read their Bibles daily as they do not know what may be revealed today which was not yesterday.

Brave   Sara Bareilles

Everybody`s been there, everybody`s been stared down
By the enemy
Bow down to the mighty
Don`t run, stop holding your tongue
Maybe there`s a way out of their cage where they live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
I want to see you be brave

The first part of the song I see the words as an encouragement to keep on whatever you are doing to make a difference in the world. The ending where I change the words is a statement or a proclamation that I have been told cannot ever happen.

I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you
I just want to see you free

I hope to see you
I hope to see you
I hope to see you
I hope to see you free

I will one day
I will one day
I will one day
I will one day see you free

View this song in this light and see the day when all the exploited children in Cambodia are set free.



Sunday, 6 July 2014

Reflecting Back Looking Ahead Living In The Present

It is Saturday June 28 2014.
Thinking about the yard work I have to do I may have let out a small sigh.
Things I should have started in early May I am starting now.

This is a small section of a large backyard over run by weeds.
As I started pulling these weeds in my backyard I thought of one of the reason`s why I am always behind yard work at this time of year.

I thought to myself "in a perfect world I would not run a full marathon, and two weeks later help organize a walkathon." In a perfect world these events would be spread further apart allowing me the chance to recover fully from the marathon and to be able do my share of the yard work.
Yet, in a perfect world little girls would not be sold into a life of sexual slavery in Cambodia!
So until my world becomes perfect. I will always be playing catch up with yard work at this time of year going forward.

Even mundane tasks such as pulling weeds have their rewards. As I perform this task I can see my favourite possession from the past. It is not a medal I have had hung around my neck after finishing a particular race, no it is my 13 rocks picked up a few years ago on my long runs in training for a marathon. This was my hardest marathon ever. The rocks to me represented 13 girls in Cambodia, rescued from a life of slavery. If I did not finish this race the events on June 7 at Erindale park this year are not possible with my involvement.

For those interested the story is called Just 13 girls, last year I put it on my blog. 

The final total raised for the 5km walkathon is $43 108 I set an aggressive goal of $20 052 and somehow God was able to more than double it. 
Thank you everyone for your support especially Paul. I hope to take the Summer off of some things, especially new writings, yet I will be updating my blog with some stories written a few years ago realizing I have a new audience.

This is the first. I hope to release two more before September when I will be hopefully back in the swing of things.

It took me a week in my spare time to pull all the weeds, time to move on to other projects.


I titled this Two because it is a story of two different people, two different cultures, two different sexes, two different lives, and possibly two different eternal destinations.
My prayer for the future is that my daughter`s could live to see the day that the "Marys" of this world cease to exist. That is a day when girls have childhoods as God intended them to have, not the perversion that is forced upon them so often in the world that I live in.
This story came together during a Sunday church service a few years ago. This in itself was highly improbable as my mindset was anything but creative that day.

My youngest daughter was very ill and had a fever for the past two days. If these conditions were present that Sunday our family was taking her to the doctor.

She still had her fever on Sunday morning, but she and the rest of my family were sleeping soundly so the trip to the doctor would have to wait until after I attended church.

I also was not really looking forward to the service as the pastor had announced it was a service dealing with how to raise up Godly offspring.

In the past The Holy Spirit had used this pastor to point out areas in which I could improve on raising our children.

As I drove to church that morning I was hoping above anything else that this was not such a day for me.
There was also a baby dedication that morning. As I watched that proud father pass his daughter to the pastor to be blessed, and before the end of the next song I thought up this story. 

Although it took me significantly longer to write everything out, this story was finished beginning to end in my head in about 10 minutes, usually I change some of the words around in things I have written in the past. This is virtually unchanged from that Sunday.

She was born in Svay Park in 1995. Her verbally abusive father told her she was an accident many times as she grew up. She was the oldest of  four girls which added to her father`s wrath. 
Translated into English her name was Mary, the same as the Messiah's mother.
Her family never had enough food to eat. Her father found work occasionally as a fishermen. The best fish were sold at a market that supplied one of the hotels outside of Svay Park with fresh fish.  Later in life Mary would meet some of  the men from this very hotel in a very different way.

Health care was unheard of in her village. If a child became ill there was a good chance they would not survive. Although it was supposed to be a democratic nation most of the politicians were corrupt, the police force only served the rich and affluent people in her Country. Families like Mary`s were actually terrified of the police, and with good reason.
The only happy memories of Mary`s childhood where when her aunt would visit. Her aunt was called a "born again." 

Mary was very young at the time but she remembers placing her head into her aunt`s lap and listening to stories of Jesus. Her aunt told her that Jesus had given up his place in Heaven to come to earth to save people. Mary felt an incredible warmth flooding through her body as her aunt would talk passionately about this Jesus.
When Mary turned eight a man came to the house and argued with her father. They were discussing money but she couldn`t understand what they were arguing about. This went on for three weeks.
Then the day her life changed! One day she came home and found all her belongings packed into a little bag. The man pointed his finger at her and told her you have been bought I own you now. You are going to a new home to meet other little girls. As you can guess Mary`s father sold her to a pimp to pay off a debt. 

The pimp did indeed take her to a new home to meet other little girls. Mary`s new home was a brothel that men from other Countries liked using, as the girls were a bit younger and thus less experienced than some of the other brothels.
In the Gospels it says Jesus was spit on, Jesus was beaten, Jesus was mocked, Jesus was humiliated, before being put on the Cross. 

In the brothel Mary was spit on, Mary was burned, Mary was tortured, Mary was beaten, Mary was mocked, Mary was humiliated, and Mary was raped. She was raped many times by many different men. Her pain and shame was not measured in days, but years. 
One day rolled into the next. She never had a good day, only terrible and even worse days. Her sixteenth birthday came and went, she didn`t even know it.
Mary felt different now.  Although she always was thin she had been losing weight. She had trouble keeping her food down. One day a Doctor came to see her. Mary didn`t know it but one of  her customers had left her with a gift he had given her HIV Aids.
The next day Mary was forced to leave the brothel, for many years she had dreamed of being rescued, or leaving her prison. However now Mary was terrified as she had not been outside in the last eight years. Although the brothel was hell on earth it was the only place  that Mary knew.
Mary made her bed beside the garbage dump. She would have starved long ago but a baker in town took pity on her and brought her bread and a tin cup of water every night.
Mary woke one morning feeling very different, she was even weaker today. In her heart she felt that the end was very close. She was seventeen and looked fifty.

Although her body had literally wasted away, she felt a warmth surging through her that she had last felt when her Aunt had visited.
That night Mary passed away.
The kind baker took her frail body and wrapped it in a blanket and dug a shallow grave for her.
Mary awoke to the most beautiful noise she had ever heard. She had lived her whole life without hearing singing. Her Aunt told her later that this song was a song of celebration where thousands upon thousands of Angels sing with joy for the one lost sheep who had come home.
Next Mary saw a radiant whiteness walking towards her. She saw it was a man, strangely she was not afraid.

As the man came closer Mary looked into his eyes she saw compassion, kindness, tenderness, goodness, and most of all she saw love. She now understood that the warmth she had felt with her Aunt had came from this man.
  The man looked her in the eye and spoke:
  Blessed are the poor in spirit,
  for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
  Blessed are those who mourn,
  for they will be comforted.
  He went on to say:
Mary I created you in your mother`s womb you were no accident. I created you in my image. I numbered the hairs on your head before I set the foundation of the world into place.
I have Loved you with an everlasting Love.
Mary I tell you the truth, today you have entered into paradise to be with me.
He was born in Toronto, Canada in 1973. He was the joy of his family as his father had always wanted a boy and now he had one.  As many parents in this part of the world do he was given a name from the Bible, he was named John.
As he grew up he was treated with dignity, and respect.
One of his father`s favourite saying was the world is your oyster"  He was told to stand up for his rights, and to make sure that no one took advantage of him. Another statement he often heard from his father was "only the strong survive."
His family was upper to middle class for Canada. This put his family in the top ten percent of wealth when compared to the rest of the world.
He had access to free hospital care. He was never hungry.  Although far from perfect he grew up in a Country with a democratic process, he had a right to vote. 
When he turned sixteen his father bought him a car.
When he was eighteen he was accepted at the University of Toronto. He graduated top of his class and choose a career with a top accounting firm. He attended a local church.
John had just recently celebrated his 40th birthday. He was well on his way to achieving his dreams. He thought of how proud his father and his friends were of his successes. He had recently been promoted to partner. 
On the surface he had everything that he had been told would make him happy, there was just one problem he wasn`t.
Both of these people are fictionally characters. I know a few "Johns" and I suspect many people I know who have been to Cambodia have met many "Marys."

One day I looked at a picture of skeletons and skulls from the Killing Fields of Cambodia.
A strange thought entered my head.

I saw the men of North America as those bones. They have flesh, but in a lot of areas that God is concerned about these men are dead, they just don`t realize it. 
I thought the girls in the brothels of Cambodia are prisoners, but so are these men. The girl`s prison bars are made of concrete and iron, the men`s are more spiritual in nature, and may be more difficult to escape from.
My bible calls Jonah a reluctant prophet, in some ways I can relate to him.
God`s heart is with both of the fictional characters I wrote about.  While mine is with the Mary`s of this world. When I feel led to do something to help the girls in the brothels I jump up like Isiah did when the Lord asked who could he send, I immediately reply send me.
I find it tragic beyond comprehension what happens to girls like the Mary I wrote about.

While men born into a Country like Canada in which we have won the lottery of life (I include myself) cannot seem to figure out what is important in life are at best foolish, and pathetic, but in my eyes not tragic.
Lately I have been asking for God to open my eyes to see people as Jesus sees them.
Last week the story of the King who gave various talents to the servants came to my mind.
I believe with everything that I am the fictional Mary I wrote about will end up in Heaven.
I know Jesus`s character was made up of goodness, grace, compassion, justice, and mercy. I also know that it says in the Bible that Jesus has the final say on Judgement day.

If I believe in his word (the sermon on the mount.)  Then I conclude that the girls in brothels will be at the wedding feast.
What is sobering to me is the result for the man who wasted his talents, and the second half of the Beatitudes.
  But woe to you who are rich
  for you have had your comfort.
  Woe to you who are well fed now,
  for you will go hungry.
  Woe to you who laugh,
  for you will mourn and weep.
I have came to the realization that a lot of people in North America are in danger of not going to Heaven.
As by the sheer economic benefits that we enjoy in our part of the World. We are indeed like the servant who was given much, I hope that we are not burying our talents in the ground. (so to speak)
So an argument could be made that John`s life was indeed more tragic because he was given everything while he was on earth, but if he missed out on a relationship with Jesus than he may end up spending his eternity without Jesus.
Mary on the other hand was given the worst possible life while on earth. But like the thief on the cross, none of this matters because she is spending her eternity with Jesus.
I end with a question.
Do you know where you are going?
