Wednesday, 22 September 2021

 "A chord of three strands is not easily broken." I ran 5.2 miles today relatively, easily and surprisingly fast. On October 2 I will have to run this six times. As I ran I looked at my three wrist bands I always wear. The blue one was given to me when I volunteered at a conference educating people about the world of children sold into sex trafficking. Isaiah 1:17 is written on it. "Learn to do good. Seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." The black and green one is from the 5km days. Bring Hope! Ratanak International is written on it. The white one is a gift from a daughter who attended a fundraiser. Elimination Of Violence Against Women is written on it. A month or so ago I was hearing strong opinions for and against whether people should be vaccinated. What saddened me was the same people were silent on the news that the American troops were leaving Afghanistan. History always shows us women and children suffer the most in conflict. I unsuccessfully tried to block images of what I knew would be happening to the most vulnerable in Afghanistan. NEEDTOBREATHE has a song Slumber whose lyrics challenged me as I ran today. "All these victims stand in line for the crumbs that fall from the table. Just enough to get by. All the while your invitation. Wake up from your slumber. Baby, open up your eyes." If I am honest I usually do give crumbs, to ease my conscience. The numbers sometimes seem impressive but they are given out of abundance. In the near future I hope to sacrifice a bit more by being bolder. Today I made a vow which made five important ladies in my life happy. After completing my challenge on October 2 I will shave my COVID beard and cut my hair short. Now I know I cannot fail as Gloria Uroda Dearlove would carry me the whole way just to have this come to fruition.

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